Ads are Invading Your LG TV when it’s Idle

News LG smart tv

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In a move that’s raising eyebrows, LG is now using the smart TVs we paid for as billboards to display full-screen ads when the screens go idle. Framed as a feature, their new “Native Screensaver Ads” capitalize on moments when we’re not actively watching TV, turning our idle screen time into an “engagement opportunity” for advertisers. While LG touts increased brand awareness, this feels more like an intrusion—invading our living rooms with unsolicited ads. It begs the question: should the device we own really be serving as yet another platform for advertising?

Though LG claims viewers are still paying attention during downtime, many see this as yet another tactic to force ads into our daily lives. Instead of enhancing the TV experience, this adds to the growing frustration with the constant barrage of advertising we already face on other platforms. After all, if we’ve already paid for the device, why should we be subjected to more ads just because the screen is idle? This shift feels like an invasion, reducing our control over what we see on our own screens.

Is this the future of smart TVs—turning every moment into another chance to show us ads? LG may think they’re offering a unique engagement opportunity, but many consumers are left wondering if this is really a feature or just more noise in an already ad-saturated world.

For now, this “feature” is able to be turned off via your tv’s Additional Settings menu. However, we foresee a world where these ads are not avoidable. For now, some users are also getting around this by disabling updates on their Smart TV’s. This can leave their TV open to vulnerabilities and attacks, so we really can’t recommend this approach. It also makes you wonder how long until these smart tv’s require an internet connection to function.

For more information, and to leave comments for LG, visit their announcement here.

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