Check out this Video of Samsung’s New Laundry Combo Washer and Dryer

News laundry Samsung video

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I have to admin, I’ve been curious about the all-in-one laundry devices that are coming out these days. In this video featuring Samsung employee Tony, you can discover how the Samsung Bespoke AI Laundry Combo Washer and Dryer saves time and energy ( and keeps you from forgetting your wet laundry in the washing machine ).

This machine is a game changing all-in-one laundry solution designed to simplify your laundry routine. With no load transfer necessary, it washes and dries clothes in one cycle. It can also automatically adjust your washing and drying settings based on how dirty your clothes are and what materials they are made of.

As a bonus, this machine takes up significantly less space than a traditional washer and dryer combo. This means you’ll have more room in your laundry room for other things.

Check out Samsung’s new Bespoke AI Laundry Combo @ Samsung.

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