Droplet Smart Home Water Sensor Launched on Kickstarter

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Hydrific, a subsidiary of LIXIL, has launched a Kickstarter campaign for its new smart home water sensor, Droplet, which is designed to facilitate water conservation. The campaign provides backers with early access to the product and the opportunity to contribute to water sustainability efforts. Droplet has already generated significant consumer interest, amassing over 1,000 preorders and a subscriber list exceeding 5,000.

Droplet functions by monitoring water usage in homes from a single point and provides users with data and recommendations through an associated mobile app. The device aims to help users save water, lower their bills, and prevent water damage. Preliminary studies suggest that households may achieve up to a 30% reduction in water bills by using Droplet.

Julia Deister, the Leader of Hydrific, stated that the Kickstarter launch marks a significant step in bringing Droplet into everyday use and expressed gratitude for the partnerships that have facilitated its development. The product’s creation has involved a collaborative process, using Mach49’s incubation framework and insights from the Tuck-LIXIL program, including homeowner interviews and prototyping.

The development of Droplet has also benefited from the support of organizations such as the Alliance for Water Efficiency (AWE). Sarah Gutterman, CEO of Green Builder Media, emphasized the importance of technologies like Droplet for addressing water challenges and encouraging homeowners to monitor and reduce their water usage.

For further details on Droplet and its features, check out their page on Kickstarter.

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