Letianpai Announces Worlds First Matter Based Radar Presence Sensor

News Matter presence detection sensor

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Letianpai, a company specializing in AI and smart hardware, has introduced the LeTianPai Presence Sensor Box, which is the first human presence sensor device based on Matter millimeter wave radar technology. This product is compatible with various platforms, including Apple Home, Amazon Alexa, and Google Home. The sensor is currently available for crowdfunding on Indiegogo.

The LeTianPai Presence Sensor Box represents a shift towards integrated smart home ecosystems, allowing for cross-platform functionality. According to Letianpai CEO Li Ming, the Box is designed to overcome the limitations of closed smart home systems by offering compatibility across multiple platforms.

The sensor includes five detection capabilities: radar, infrared, temperature, humidity, and light detection. It employs both radar and infrared technology to detect small movements such as a heartbeat and reduce false alarms. The detection range is up to 8 meters for moving objects and 4 meters for stationary individuals, with a detection angle of 130°. Users can adjust the sensor’s parameters through the Letianpai app.

The Box is suitable for various applications, such as smart living rooms and meeting rooms. It can perform functions like turning on lights when someone enters a room and turning them off when the room is vacated. Installation options include magnetic adsorption, wall mounting, spotlight hole, ceiling mounting, side mounting, and desktop placement, accommodating 95% of installation scenarios.

The Letianpai Presence Sensor Box is currently available on Indiegogo.

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