Moen to use AI to Detect and Protect Against Water Leaks

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Moen, a company specializing in smart water technology, has announced improvements to its Flo Smart Water Monitor and Shutoff system through the integration of artificial intelligence. The enhanced system is designed to help homeowners proactively protect their homes from water damage.

The Flo Smart Water Monitor and Shutoff is installed on the main water supply line of a home and operates continuously. It utilizes FloSense 3.0 Technology and MicroLeak Technology to learn a home’s water usage patterns and detect leaks as minute as one drop per minute. The system can automatically shut off the water supply if it detects an abnormality in usage or a catastrophic leak.

Statistically, water damage is a significant concern for homeowners, being claimed six times more often than fire and eight times more than theft. The average claim for water damage and freezing over a ten-year period is $12,500, with one in every six homes filing such a claim.

Since its launch, the Flo Smart Water Monitor and Shutoff has discovered leaks in 60 percent of homes within the first 30 days of use, and it has alerted users to over two million potential home water leaks. The device also has features to prevent freezing of water lines and accumulation of stagnant water.

Homeowners can control and monitor their home’s water usage through an app, which allows for manual intervention and real-time alerts. The system also assists in conserving water by monitoring water usage by fixture type and setting conservation goals.

As part of Moen’s Smart Water Network, the Flo Smart Water Monitor and Shutoff can work independently or be integrated into a whole-home ecosystem. It can be paired with other smart water products such as Smart Sump Pump Monitor and Smart Leak Detectors for comprehensive water management.

Suzy Kummer, senior product manager at Moen, emphasizes that the Smart Water Monitor and Shutoff not only prevents damaging water events but also provides peace of mind. The system is also presented as a means to significantly reduce household water waste and enhance water conservation efforts.

For more detailed information on the Flo Smart Water Monitor and Shutoff, please visit the Moen’s website here.

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