Rachio Smart Sprinklers Have Helped Save over 200 Billion Gallons of Water

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Rachio, a smart yard brand, has announced that its smart-watering technologies have saved over 200 billion gallons of water, with an objective to save three trillion gallons by 2030. Rachio’s product line includes smart sprinkler controllers and hose timers, designed to reduce water consumption in residential landscapes.

According to Rachio’s CEO, Kim Sentovich, the company is advocating for small, sustainable changes within communities to create a long-lasting impact on the environment. Rachio is recognized for its smart watering devices like the Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Controller and the Smart Hose Timer, which can be managed remotely through the Rachio App. The company’s technology uses Weather Intelligence to optimize watering schedules based on hyper-local weather conditions and integrates with smart home systems such as Alexa and Google Home.

Rachio also offers a variety of partner products through Rachio Market, which includes tech gadgets and gardening tools aimed at enhancing outdoor living. Among these is the MySoil Test Kit in partnership with MySoil, which helps users understand soil nutrient levels to improve plant health and garden vitality.

The company’s CEO noted the intention to broaden Rachio’s offerings into other aspects of outdoor experiences, including air quality monitoring. Rachio has expanded its software integration to include the Davis AirLink Air Quality Monitor, which provides users with air quality alerts and forecasts. This addition complements the existing Tempest Weather Station integration and other software enhancements like Valve Monitoring within the Rachio App.

For more information about Rachio’s smart yard technologies and water-saving efforts, check out their website here.

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