Reolink to Debut New Security Camera – Duo 3 PoE at CES 2024

News CES 2024 reoLink security smart home

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Reolink has announced its plans to introduce a new dual-lens camera lineup at the upcoming CES 2024. Among the products to be revealed is the Duo 3 PoE, a security camera that boasts a 16 million-pixel resolution, marking a milestone in the industry for image clarity in security devices. This new camera is expected to provide users with unprecedented detail in surveillance footage, potentially capturing features such as facial details, license plates, and other critical information with greater precision.

The company’s Marketing Manager, Fabrice Klohoun, emphasized Reolink’s commitment to enhancing security for both residential and commercial properties by incorporating the latest technological advancements into their products. Reolink is inviting those attending CES to experience these innovations firsthand at their booth.

The Duo 3 PoE camera integrates two high-resolution lenses to create a cohesive 180-degree panoramic view, minimizing image distortion. The camera’s advanced stitching algorithm is designed to deliver a comprehensive view of the camera’s surroundings. Additionally, the Duo 3 PoE offers a Motion Track feature, which compiles activity over a period into a single image, allowing for quicker analysis of movements without the need to sift through extensive video footage.

Reolink’s presence at CES will also include demonstrations of their various home and business security solutions, which encompass wire-free, Wi-Fi 6, and PoE systems. These solutions are built with features that support 24/7 monitoring, AI-based smart detection, and instant motion alerts, aiming to provide a robust and integrated security experience.

Reolink is a company that specializes in smart home technology and strives to offer reliable security options to its customers. With a product range that caters to the security needs of homes, families, and retail establishments, Reolink’s innovations are tailored to deliver a comprehensive sense of protection.

CES 2024 attendees are invited to visit Reolink’s booth from January 9-12 at the Venetian Expo, Halls A-D, booth number 52548, to explore the new security products and features.

For more information on Reolink and their products, please visit the manufacturer’s website.

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