This Reolink Duo 3 PoE Video is Hilarious


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Reolink recently released the next version of their Duo smart cameras, the Duo 3 PoE. These security cameras are great, with 16 MP UHD resolution, motion tracking, night vision, and two way audio. The Reolink PoE devices are also able to support local only streaming via RTSP and have a H.265 video compression rate.

That’s a lot of technical talk to say that these cameras will connect with any NVR devices that you happen to be running ( security camera video recorders ). And that they don’t need a connection to the cloud and don’t have to stream your videos to the cloud to work.

For more information, check out Reolink’s website here.

All that said, Reolink just released a hilarious video showing a use case for their new cameras. I won’t spoil it for you, but let’s just say we don’t recommend doing what this camera owner ends up doing. No matter how tempting it is. 😉

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