This Smart Beer Maker Makes Brewing Your Own Beer Easy

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iGulu has introduced the S1, a compact smart beer maker designed for home use. The S1 allows users to brew personalized beer with the simplicity of a coffee machine. It will be launched on Kickstarter in July.

The iGulu S1 simplifies the brewing process with its one-tap brewing capability. The device manages the entire brewing process and offers a variety of brew kits, including options for classic beers, kombucha, and cider. The S1 features an intelligent temperature control system that maintains optimal conditions for different yeast strains, which helps preserve the flavors of each brew.

The S1 is designed for convenience with a wide-mouth fermentation keg that is easy to clean. The Tritan keg has a triple pressure safety lock and automatic pressure adjustment for a stable brewing process. Additionally, an external CO2 accessory keeps beer fresh for up to 30 days.

The S1 supports pressure filling, allowing users to bottle their brews easily for sharing. This feature makes it simple to distribute homemade creations.

Users can monitor the brewing process with the iGulu app, which provides real-time updates and control.

The iGulu S1 aims to make home brewing accessible and straightforward, allowing for the creation of unique beers and fermented beverages. For more information, iGulu’s website here.

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